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Why Godly friendship is a must

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Meet Chelsea my best friend of 15 years. We have literally done all our growing up and adulting years together. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly and our story of how we almost stopped being friends about 3 years ago.

Scriptural References:

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Proverbs 27:17

Friendship is important for many reasons.

(1) Friendship is important because we were never meant to do life alone. If that were the case, God should have just made one human to live on the earth. But He didn't. Community is a direct reflection of the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They also were never along.

(2) Godly friendship is important to have as a sound board to run things by. If you are out here living reckless and cray cray a Godly friend can help counsel you and direct you before you injure yourself or someone else.

(3) Friendship is meant to bring us joy, comfort in hard times, companionship, and someone to just be pure ridiculously silly with. 🤪🤪

I am grateful for my girlie, Chels.


Fun Facts About Jenn Jenn

My funnest memory with Chels:

This is a toughy because there are literally too many. But when we both graduated from high school I came down to where Chels lived to stay for the weekend and we went to every single graduation party, ate good BBQ, and jammed out in her care to The Dreams new album.

Do you remember this Chels?


Jenn Jenn Vibes

Love love love the beats and instrumentals in this song. Do I have any clue what he's saying? Nope, none at all! Lol

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