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You betta get litty!!!

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

El Salvador escapades día 3:


The coming together and the breaking apart come together in the end of a very poetic and harmonious finish.

-Siete Gorriones (Seven Sparrows) by Lucio Vásquez

How interesting life truly is. So right now my med mate girlies and I are sitting here discussing life issues, wars, world history and so on. And boy oh boy is it complicated! We would hope and think that life is just black and white but mostly– well almost everything is gray! There are so many missing or enigmatic pieces to this puzzle, this 100 million ka-zillion piece puzzle that we put together to form this four letter word called L-I-F-E.

Life. It really is interesting. And one man’s life which truly interests and moves me is the life of a young man named Lucio Vázquez aka Chiyo. We met Chiyo at Museo de la Palabra y Imagen this morning. His life really touched all of our hearts, broke it, and then mending it back together harmoniously by the end of his life story.

Chiyo was only 9 years old when the civil war personally struck his home. He lost his mother and 3 siblings; a couple years later he lost 3 more siblings. He talked about witnessing bodies piled all around his home town as though they were piles of dirty clothing. He heard the howls and the meows of dogs and cats who couldn’t find there owners. And he too wandered like a lost one who also could not find home. But thankfully he found other lost children, and then eventually he found the guerrilla fighters who sought and fought for equality and justice in El Salvador.

After illustrating the pain felt from the 12 year war and the reoccurring pain of his lost family members, the 7 sparrows, he looked up and smiled at the group and cheerfully stated, “I am so honored and thankful to celebrate life everyday and also today, with you all”.

So at this moment the hearts that were once broken from hearing the heart-wrenching story of a young man were now mending together again. He was able to resolve his life with peace and joy through hope and positivity. He says that his only mission in life is to be happy and continue to laugh and laugh some more. How awesome is that?! To be able to move past the heart ache and the pain, to be able to take not only the good, but also the bad and mold each circumstance and make a beautiful masterpiece. What a poetic finish!

Chiyo taught me and reemphasized the beauty in life. And the fact that life doesn’t have to end how it begins. That it doesn’t matter if life seems too gray, black and white were too boring anyway ;). And that you can choose to celebrate life not tomorrow, but today!

I choose to celebrate everyday, like Chiyo. And I invite you all too.


Jenn Jenn Vibes

This is my favorite South African Band called We Will Worship. They have such amazing talent and put on a great performance. I hope you enjoy this youtube video that they just came out with

On the same vein of me loving to travel, when I visit South Africa I will totally make a point to see them

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